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The Caucus

General Info

Who is "The Western Springs Village Caucus Party"?

If you are a Western Springs resident of voting age, then you are part of the caucus.

The Western Springs Village Caucus, known formally as the "The Western Springs Caucus Party" believes that citizens, meeting openly as equals, will provide themselves with better government than will be provided by party leaders who meet in private. Any resident who is willing to run for an office for which they receive no compensation can be nominated for election if enough neighbors and other residents agree. As a result, "special interest groups" are usually unsuccessful. The key to success of our Caucus, or Town Hall Meeting form of government, is the involvement of as many residents as possible This website's purpose is to further the desire to make our form of government transparent and accessible to all Western Springs' Residents.

How our Village Government Works

The Village of Western Springs uses a council-manager form of government to separate elected officials and administration. Our Board of Trustees makes policy decisions for the Village, while the Village Manager and staff are responsible for implementation. Our Thomas Ford Library and Park District operate in a similar way in that paid professionals are responsible for daily operations and volunteer Boards are elected to guide their activities.

​The Village of Western Springs uses a Caucus or Town Hall Meeting method to select and nominate candidates to be placed on election ballots for the Library, Park, and Village Boards. The process begins in the fall before the spring election, when leaders from each of the village’s six precincts begin looking for people who might be willing to serve on the Library, Park, and Village Boards. The precinct level leaders identify the skills needed by each of the three Boards and try to match them up with individuals within their precinct who have these skills.

​The next step occurs at the Precinct level caucus in late fall, when a meeting is held which is open to all Western Springs residents where each of the six precincts meets in individual rooms and candidates are formally nominated, presented, and then voted on within the respective precinct. Each precinct votes for the candidate they feel best suits the position. Approximately one week later, the individuals nominated at the precinct level meetings are presented and voted on at an All Village Caucus, where all interested Western Springs’ residents gather together to vote on the candidates.

​The Caucus or Town Hall Meeting style of our government helps to ensure that “the office seeks the person.” The Caucus has traditionally brought forward residents who represent the broad interests of the community. It also inspires many residents to serve who might not consider running in an expensive two-party system that necessitates electioneering.

The Western Springs Village Caucus Party

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