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The Caucus

Job Descriptions

Board of Trustees

The Western Springs Board of Trustees consists of the president and six trustees who are each elected for four years and serve without compensation. Every two years three new Trustees rotate onto the Board. The Board of Trustees serves as the legislative body of the Village and has the powers and performs the duties provided by state statute and local ordinance.

Click here to download the Board of Trustees Job Description PDF and learn more.

Western Springs Park District

The Western Springs Park District is a separate and distinct governmental entity that is responsible for its own financial and capital resources. It is governed by seven elected residents of Western Springs who freely give their services to the community. The Park District Board of Commissioners meets once a month to conduct the business affairs of the District. The role of the Commissioners is to represent the community to help insure high standards of performance and quality of service and to convey this direction to the Director of Parks.

Click here to download the Western Springs Park District Job Description PDF and learn more.

Library Board Trustee

The Library Board Trustees are unpaid elected officials who volunteer their time to make decisions and create policies that govern the operation of all library operational activities. The Board is comprised of seven trustees, each serving 4-year terms, with 3 or 4 positions rotating every two years. The Board selects and hires a qualified paid Library Director, approves annual budgets subject to review and approval by the Village Board, develops written policies, sets long and short range plans, and conducts monthly Board meetings.

Click here to download the Library Board Trustee Job Description PDF and learn more.

The Western Springs Village Caucus Party

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